We connect you with your car

Karhabti.app assists you in the maintenance and repair of your car with more autonomy and at a lower cost.

About the application

Why Karhabti.app ?

Become the "Master" of your car!

Karhabti.app vallows you to retake control over your car by becoming more autonomous and saving time and money. Managing and maintaining your vehicle becomes a breeze!


Our Services

We aimed to provide you with everything in one place

Maintenance Service


Ensure greater autonomy by performing basic maintenance operations on your vehicle.

Map Service


Visualize and book appointments with the best service providers.

Reminder Service


Track your upcoming maintenance appointments and all your automotive expenses.

Watch the video

Our promises

What we guarantee at Karhabti.app ?

Easy to use

Managing your vehicle has never been easier.


We help you save more money in this time of inflation.


Our support team is at your service 24/7.

Permanent Monitoring

We offer you a complete overview of the maintenance of your car.

Our Map Service

Find the best service providers in your area!

Whether you are in your usual environment or on the road, you can locate quality service providers and arrange an appointment with them in just 3 steps:

  1. Select your nearby service provider from our Map. A review system is at your disposal to guarantee the quality of the service offered.
  2. Book your appointment: Choose the date and time that suits you and confirm your appointment.
  3. Get your itinerary : Now you just have to click on Start and you will be directed to your appointment.

Download Karhabti.app

Are you ready to begin the adventure? Then download our application available on Play Store and soon on App Store.


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FAQ Karhabti, the frequently asked questions is open!

Karhabti.app is a mobile application that provides drivers with access to several service providers in their vicinity, as well as other maintenance features for their for their cars.

You can contact us via this form or by phone +216 55 153 068.

you can download karahbti.app on Appstore or GooglePlay


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